Avalon Way 

The wisdom of witches, priestesses and shamans coming together  

Empowerment, Inclusivity, Willingness 

Divine Dreaming

A complete beginner's video course with a PDF guide. This course is going being updated under the new Divine Dreaming name. Until the latest version is released, you can purchase the orginal at a great discount - $44 instead of $77. Payment plan available!

New to the Broom

Coming Soon! An online membership for those who desire community and a safe, inclusive space. Scholarships will be available, and founding member information will be announced around Summer Solstice 2024!


Mirror Ritual

More goodies to come, but for now, when you sign up for the newsletter, you will receive an in depth guide for creating a Magick Mirror for remembering your truth. 


Here are the upcoming events:


Readings with V - 2nd Saturdays

Vision Quest Everett, WA

October 12, November 9 & 30, December 14 12-5pm

$85 One Hour, $50 Half-Hour

To schedule, call 425-Two Five Two-1591

Walk Ins Welcome!


Inner Alchemy West Seattle

Saturday, October 5

November and December Dates Coming Soon!

$85 - One Hour Sessions from 1-4:30pm

Click on the date link above to schedule!

Links for these dates coming soon!

August 17

V's Story

     Every time I think about writing up my story, the journey I have been on, the Grateful Dead lyric "What a long, strange trip its been..." starts sounding in my mind. 
     Strange, yes, but also wonderful. Exciting, and sometimes a bit dull and uneventful. Life is lifey, and I wonder if I wll ever adult successfully, but then I remember that I raised a couple amazing kids, and have dear friends and family who surround me with love.


Seattle, WA USA




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