Avalon Way 

The wisdom of witches, priestesses and shamans coming together  

Empowerment, Inclusivity, Willingness 

Hi! I'm V...

Want to get to know me better? Click on the link below! Know you are here for some Magickal Goodies? Awesome, keep scrolling... 

Work with Me

It is always an honor to be trusted for your readings, energy work, ceremony goals and mentorship. All that I offer is rooted in the core values of Truth, Love & Trust. Click the button below to discover ways we can work together!

Magickal Goodies

Explore the realm of fun, wisdom, freebies, and Avalonian must haves! Sign up for the newsletter to know when new offers arrive!

The Village

It takes a Village...
I have tremendous gratitute for all the beautiful souls who guide me as mentors, who have empower me through friendship, and support my many passions.... 


Here are the upcoming events:


Readings with V - 2nd Saturdays

Vision Quest Everett, WA


$85 One Hour, $50 Half-Hour

To schedule, call 425-Two Five Two-1591

Walk Ins Welcome!

Special Events and Psychic Fairs:

February 22 from 11-4pm


Inner Alchemy West Seattle

Saturday, March 1

Grand Opening Event!

I may be a little late, but I am honored and excited to offer readings at this event. These will be "mini readings" to allow for more folks to receive. 

Downstairs/Basement of Veterans of Foreign Wars building: 3601 SW Alaska St.

V's Story

     Every time I think about writing up my story, the journey I have been on, the Grateful Dead lyric "What a long, strange trip its been..." starts sounding in my mind. 
     Strange, yes, but also wonderful. Exciting, and sometimes a bit dull and uneventful. Life is lifey, and I wonder if I wll ever adult successfully, but then I remember that I raised a couple amazing kids, and have dear friends and family who surround me with love.

Lets Chat!

Seattle, WA USA




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